
camel getting his nose under the tent

Power Pride and Arrogance or Ignorance and Naiveté

Speaker Pelosi has placed herself in the position of defending the wording of her message to Syrian President Assad.

The issue is really not whether or not she delivered the wrong message – the issue is Speaker Pelosi’s obvious naiveté regarding politics on the world stage. Her demeanor is scary, dangerous and somewhat foolish.  She is the person only two steps away from assuming the Presidency of the United States and she is acting like a power crazed court jester.

Perhaps she did not violate any diplomatic rules when communicating with President Assad but she put herself in the position of being second guessed and criticized.  She is operating in an arena where she has no qualifications and obviously fewer skills on the world stage.  Does she really believe King Abdullah cares one bit about the number of women in authority in Saudi Arabia?  The comment did make for some good sound bytes however.

So now we have Prime Minister Olmert of Israel telling us that Speaker Pelosi delivered a message he did not authorize.  Speaker Pelosi’s press machine is already in full defense telling anyone who will listen how she did not break any rules and stayed within the boundaries of her office.  Once again, I say it does not matter what message she delivered it matters that she is not qualified to play in this sandbox. 

Will Syria now assume they are more than a second class country on the world stage?  No one really knows but visits from self important demagogues will certainly not take away from this perception.  Will King Abdullah realize the error of his ways and appoint more females to important posts within the Saudi government?  When pigs fly!!!  As a matter of fact King Abdullah is now preaching the rhetoric that the U.S. is an invader in Arab lands and needs to leave the area post haste.  He is putting a multi billion dollar arms deal with the U.S. in jeopardy with his current stance on U.S. Mideast Policy. 

One would have to suspect that King Abdullah is concerned with his power base in Saudi Arabia due to the large influence of radical Islamist in the country.  Perhaps we need to stop selling arms to the Saudi’s and let them slowly return to the 7th century.  The radicals talk about returning to the glory of ancient Islam but I really wonder what they would do if they no longer had air conditioning and Coca-Cola.  Remove the facade they have installed and we might see they really like Western culture. 

Speaker Pelosi – please keep up the good work and you may find yourself wearing a veil and being the servant matron for King Assad.  Should radical Islam get their wish and dominate the world stage including the United States, it will be ironic that individuals such as Nancy Pelosi would be the first to have their power diminished in a male dominated culture.  Good thing she does not qualify for one of the 72 virgins’ positions.


Not being versed in the Arabic language I have no idea whether or not the Arabic phrase or word in the title actually means ghost or poltergeist but the word is the result of a search of translations on the Internet.

Seeing as how the Christmas season has been upon us for several weeks and will soon culminate with the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, I thought Charles Dickens would forgive me for taking off on his famous Christmas Story.  You remember the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the visits from the three shades, ghosts or spirits.  The final visit from the ghost of Christmas future presented Ebenezer with a frightening picture of death and the penalty we all pay for not living a good life.  Ebenezer was scared straight.

Christmas … let me see, where did we get that name?  Well goodness me, from the celebration surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ .  Now, we all know the celebration in December is based on the Roman celebration of Saturnalia and most likely Jesus was born sometime in March or April according to some Biblical Scholars.  My comment is WHO CARES??  There is enough fact to believe that a person named Jesus was born to a couple from Nazareth and this person performed several miracles according to eye witnesses.  The celebration has occurred for centuries and currently is responsible for most retailers being able to survive for the rest of the year.

My concern for Christmas future is a concern over the survival of Western civilization.  Islam is currently the fastest growing religion in the world and poses a serious threat to civilization as we know it.  I know several Moslems and yes, they are nice people, however their religion is one of control and dominance over all aspects of life.  Those who criticize some of the religious right in this country should investigate what will happen when Islamic fundamentalism becomes a factor in our political process.  Notice, I say when and not if.  The trends are already in motion for this to happen.  For instance the recently elected Moslem who has stated he will use the Koran to be sworn into office.  Also note the public prayer call over loudspeakers in Hamtramck, Michigan.

An Islamic theocracy might actually have some positive aspects because they would virtually shut down the porn industry and most of the garbage from Hollywood, a fact overlooked by some of the politically correct myrmidons. Positive aspects aside, our future is very questionable should we allow the trend to continue unchecked.  Supposedly, a majority of Americans believe in at least some of the religious aspects of Christmas.  Why should this majority be denied the privilege to celebrate a holiday in public schools, public buildings or even airports?  Why are my so called rights any less important than someone of the Moslem faith?  There are no prayer rooms for Christians or Jews in the airports yet we are told we should set aside rooms for daily prayers for Moslems.  Another example of letting the camel get his nose under the tent.  Once the nose is under the head will follow and so will the rest of the body.

We have proven we can all coexist in our society and we should continue to do so with respect for culture and tradition.  I cannot imagine moving to Israel or any mid-eastern country and expecting them to meet my demand that a nativity scene be included in their public displays.  I suspect I would be asked to leave the country or face dire consequences.  Perhaps we should adapt the same principles when dealing with visitors or immigrants to our country.  All are welcome and may celebrate their own traditions but remember I too am allowed to celebrate mine and the fact that there are public displays in no way is a threat to you or yours.  Get over it!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!!
