
Political Correctness

The Debates That Will Never Happen

Dateline: From Richard’s World

Well, another Republican debate in the books. And I watched every minute. Even watched some of the talking heads afterwards. And they were still talking this morning and all afternoon today. What about? Sound bites. Who scored the best laugh line? The best knock on the other candidate. And on and on …. blah, blah, blah, … yada, yada, yada. Hardly a word about substance.

Not that there was much substance. How can there be when the game is rigged? I don’t where they went to school or what their definition of a debate is, but that was no debate. That was sound bites. And right now, I don’t think we need sound bites as we try to get educated about the person who will face off in the POTUS election next year.

In Richard’s World, this is how debates would be conducted. They are based on business meetings where you bring in the big dogs, the muckety-mucks, and they all sit around a big round table and hash it out. There is a facilitator to keep things civil and moving along. Other than that, it is adults hashing it out – no physical punches allowed.

So, The Debates That Will Never Happen is where all of the candidates are sitting around a big round table. The cameras are positioned so they can get everyone – logistical matter for TV people – not my expertise. Time limit on total debate length to be determined by majority vote between the candidates.

The first one is a free-for-all. No questions from anyone but the candidates and statements by the same. They get five minutes each for opening statements. Then let the fun begin. Then 5 minutes for closing statements.

Who goes first? I don’t know., Draw short straw or do Scissor, Paper, Rock. The public would love that and they understand it – it’s simple. Everyone knows the rules.

The winner goes first. Remember, no rules, just civil debate between “friends” trying to solve a problem. Eventually, others will join in. They start having real debate. If someone gets out of line or someone is hogging the floor, the facilitator jumps in and restores order.

At the end of this first Debate That Will Never Happen, another one is planned for each and every month afterwards until the final candidate is chosen at the convention.

At the following Debates That Will Never Happen, there is a big bowl in the center of the table. In the bowl are questions submitted by registered voters. Granted, someone, maybe someone from the RNC, will need to cull through the questions beforehand and make sure the ones submitted from the dumb masses are thrown away. You know, we don’t want to waste time with questions like the talking heads ask, like, “Do you like Lady Gaga?”  Seriously, I heard this question asked of one of the Republican candidates weeks ago. Seriously. You get my drift. We want good questions from real voters.

Eventually, due to the format and business-like approach, several or one candidate will emerge that shows real leadership quality. Someone will stand out. And we’ll know a lot more about the candidates than we ever would using the current talking head format.

Next, we take this same format to the Presidental debates next fall.

I know, I know. You’re sitting there saying to yourself, great idea but this will never happen. You’re probably right. That’s why it is The Debates That Will Never Happen. But remember, you entered Richard’s World where we dream … and dream BIG!

Until next time – Richard

Power Pride and Arrogance or Ignorance and Naiveté

Speaker Pelosi has placed herself in the position of defending the wording of her message to Syrian President Assad.

The issue is really not whether or not she delivered the wrong message – the issue is Speaker Pelosi’s obvious naiveté regarding politics on the world stage. Her demeanor is scary, dangerous and somewhat foolish.  She is the person only two steps away from assuming the Presidency of the United States and she is acting like a power crazed court jester.

Perhaps she did not violate any diplomatic rules when communicating with President Assad but she put herself in the position of being second guessed and criticized.  She is operating in an arena where she has no qualifications and obviously fewer skills on the world stage.  Does she really believe King Abdullah cares one bit about the number of women in authority in Saudi Arabia?  The comment did make for some good sound bytes however.

So now we have Prime Minister Olmert of Israel telling us that Speaker Pelosi delivered a message he did not authorize.  Speaker Pelosi’s press machine is already in full defense telling anyone who will listen how she did not break any rules and stayed within the boundaries of her office.  Once again, I say it does not matter what message she delivered it matters that she is not qualified to play in this sandbox. 

Will Syria now assume they are more than a second class country on the world stage?  No one really knows but visits from self important demagogues will certainly not take away from this perception.  Will King Abdullah realize the error of his ways and appoint more females to important posts within the Saudi government?  When pigs fly!!!  As a matter of fact King Abdullah is now preaching the rhetoric that the U.S. is an invader in Arab lands and needs to leave the area post haste.  He is putting a multi billion dollar arms deal with the U.S. in jeopardy with his current stance on U.S. Mideast Policy. 

One would have to suspect that King Abdullah is concerned with his power base in Saudi Arabia due to the large influence of radical Islamist in the country.  Perhaps we need to stop selling arms to the Saudi’s and let them slowly return to the 7th century.  The radicals talk about returning to the glory of ancient Islam but I really wonder what they would do if they no longer had air conditioning and Coca-Cola.  Remove the facade they have installed and we might see they really like Western culture. 

Speaker Pelosi – please keep up the good work and you may find yourself wearing a veil and being the servant matron for King Assad.  Should radical Islam get their wish and dominate the world stage including the United States, it will be ironic that individuals such as Nancy Pelosi would be the first to have their power diminished in a male dominated culture.  Good thing she does not qualify for one of the 72 virgins’ positions.


Finally, I have a better understanding of global warming.  Academy awards, congressional hearings and a mountain of written information have allowed me to see the light but it must be a CFL.  (Compact fluorescent light)  You know CFL is the replacement bulb for regular light bulbs and they only cost 4 times as much as incandescent bulbs. 

New terms have emerged because of the global warming scare and one should be cognizant of the definitions for these terms prior to engaging in any attempt at logical conversation.  The terms in question are Carbon neutrality defined as purchasing something called a Carbon Offset.  Basically, if you produce too much carbon in the atmosphere through driving, flying, using too much power at home or the office you can soothe your troubled mind by giving money to one of several companies in business to sell you a carbon offset.  Your money supposedly goes to projects creating power through non-carbon producing processes. 

I encourage everyone to investigate the motive behind global warming by visiting websites such as where you will be offered the opportunity to pay for the privilege of seeking carbon neutrality.  For example, you can enter your zip code and a little information about your power bills or your vehicle and you are quoted a carbon-offset fee.  I entered my power bill totals for the past month and as a result can receive a Terra Pass for one year for only $149.70.  For only $80.00, I receive a decal for my vehicle and have the opportunity to feel good about driving again.    Frankly, whoever is behind this website has my admiration.  Anyone who can pull this off has to be brilliant.  It remains to be seen if the American people will act like sheep running to the slaughter but I would wager these organizations would be extremely successful.

Does it seem a little strange we are requested to pay fees to allow us to abuse natural resources such as natural gas and petroleum?  I thought the purpose of reducing global warming was to reduce our dependence on these resources through conservation.  Now, we have a new industry evolving that will let me pay in advance for my sin of overindulgence.  Such a deal, I can purchase a vehicle getting 8 miles per gallon but put a decal on my window and be forgiven for my greed.

Follow the money! This ain’t brain surgery.


Another reason to just say “NO” to Hillary and her friends who want to give us universal health care. I can’t say it any better than Ronald Bailey from his post on the Reason website Hit & Run blog.  Here’s a bit of Bailey’s post:

“Well, look no further than the scandalous mess at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Crappy hospitals, endless waits, mountains of paperwork and, at the end of the day, no real accountability from the people who run the joint. Folks, if the government can’t or won’t take good care of our injured soldiers, what makes you think that it will take good care of little Sally or Uncle Bill?”

Now, do we really want to put total control of all health care in the hands of those who wrecked it in first place – Congress, states and federal agencies? I don’t think so. It is the wrong way to go … pure and simple.

When any bureaucrat starts talking about universal health care, start asking the tough questions.

As Will Rogers said, “It’s a good thing we don’t get all the government we pay for.”


I have finally been convinced of what I consider to be fact and that is … There is very little difference between the two major political parties.  Now before you take issue with this statement let me elaborate just a little.  First, I know the statement is not original.  Untold numbers of pundits and analysts have been saying the same thing for years.  The primary problem, I believe, is not many people really care one way or another.  Those of us who do care were highly invigorated when the Republicans took back the house in 1994.  Since 1994 the Republican led congress has gone out of their way to conceal their so called conservative viewpoints.  Those of us who voted for a Republican controlled congress did so for a reason but those we put into office put their own interest above those they chose to serve.  Now we are stuck with 535 members of American royalty sucking the lifeblood out of American taxpayers.

Let’s not forget the executive branch either.  I voted twice for “W” and given the choice of Gore and Kerry, I would do it again but “W” gives the appearance of a closet liberal.  Look at our policies on education and immigration. No Child Left Behind is nothing more than Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society with another name.  Every attempt to legislate education rather than attack the core problem further complicates everyone’s life.  Our education problems in the United States are more of a cultural issue than a political issue.  Immigration on the other hand is a huge political issue.  Nothing has been done under the current administration to stem the rising tide of Hispanic immigrants into the United States.  This is an old song but one that needs to be sung by all citizens, natural born or otherwise.

Now we are reading about the document signed between the United States and Mexico in June of 2004.  In case you have not heard the document basically gives Mexicans illegal or otherwise access to Social Security once they have accumulated 18 months of documented working time in the Estados Unidos.  If you do not know how this translates you need to get used to it.  The treaty, or document as it were, has not been sent to congress for ratification.  Why not you ask? Well because Congress only has 60 days to ratify this “treaty” or it becomes a non issue.  Due to the current political climate in the USA, there might just be a little consternation if such a deal between the U.S. and Mexico becomes too widely known. The Bush administration for some reason does not want Congress to let this issue die nor do they want the American public to gain much knowledge about the issue. For more information go to this article on the subject (“Critics say Social Security deal would give billlions to Mexicans”) at the Houston Chronicle Newspaper online.  Interesting reading!

As of this last week we are blessed with a Democrat controlled congress.  I cannot tell you how much better I sleep knowing this bunch of clowns is in charge.  I seriously doubt we will see much difference with the exception of additional taxation.  “W” has almost two years left in office and nothing to lose so I would really appreciate him using his veto powers to try and hold back the tidal wave of entitlements and tax increases we are bound to see.  Minimum wage is just the beginning.  No, I am not against the working man earning a decent wage.  Minimum wage is nothing more than another political football.  The statistics of those earning the minimum wage are very revealing considering that the majority of individuals in this category are young, work part time, are not the sole breadwinner for a family and live above the poverty line.  Why then is such a furor being created about less than 1.5 % of the working population?  The answer is simple; it makes good press and sounds good.  Will raising the minimum wage help those living in poverty?  Probably not, because they will be the first ones laid off and their goods and services will now cost more.  The price of increasing wages is not going to be absorbed by business or by any business owner.  The increase will be absorbed by you and me and any one else who purchases goods and services and this is how it should be.  Can we wipe out poverty?  Can we make someone go to school or strive to be the best they can be?  Can we make laws outlawing ignorance and poverty?  The answers are evident and the answer in all cases is NO.  We can attempt to educate and assist those in need and we can try and instill the desire to succeed in our employees, friends and family but we will never be successful 100% of the time.  Our elected officials would rather make all citizens suffer at the expense of a few.  This is not the prudent way to run a country, business or family.  There comes a time when facts must be faced and the needs of the many may exceed the needs of the few.  Will any politician have the courage to tell the truth and stand behind their belief?  Time will tell, Time will tell!


Call me names if you want to. Hate me, I don’t care. Here’s another copy of an email that says what I want to say. So … instead of me saying it, I’ll let this author say it. Who is the author? I don’t know (see update in next paragraph). If I knew, I’d give him or her credit. But I like it and here it is for your enjoyment. Just let me say … I’m glad I’m an AMERICAN!

(Update since I first made this blog post: The author is Craig Smith. He first published this article on Nov. 2oth, 2006. You can read Craig’s original article here on the World Net Daily website. Craig R. Smith is an author, commentator and popular media guest because he instantly engages audiences with his common-sense analyses of local, national and global trends. For media interviews iwth Craig please call Holly at 800-950-2428.)

The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some poll data I found rather hard to believe.  It must be true given the source, right? The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent of the country is unhappy with the performance of the president.  In essence 2/3s of the citizenry just ain’t happy and want a change.

So being the knuckle dragger I am, I starting thinking, ”What we are so unhappy about?” Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?  Is our unhappiness the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter?  Could it be that 95.4 percent of these unhappy folks have a job?  Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at any time and see more food in moments than Darfur has seen in the last year. Maybe it is the ability to drive from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean without having to present identification papers as we move through each state?  Or possibly the hundreds of clean and safe motels we would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter?  I guess having thousands of restaurants with varying cuisine from around the world is just not good enough.  Or could it be that when we wreck our car, emergency workers show up and provide services to help all involved.  Whether you are rich or poor they treat your wounds and even, if necessary, send a helicopter to take you to the hospital.

Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of Americans who own a home.  You may be upset with knowing that in the unfortunate case of a fire, a group of trained firefighters will appear in moments and use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames thus saving you, your family and your belongings.  Or if, while at home watching one of your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or prowler intrudes, an officer equipped with a gun and a bulletproof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss.  This all in the backdrop of a neighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and pillaging the residents.  Neighborhoods where 90 percent of teenagers own cell phones and computers.

How about the complete religious, social and political freedoms we enjoy that are the envy of everyone in the world?  Maybe that is what has 67 percent of you folks unhappy. The fact is we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen.  No wonder the world loves the U.S., yet has a great disdain for its citizens.  They see us for what we are.  The most blessed people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don’t have, and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here.

I know, I know.  What about the president who took us into war and has no plan to get us out?  The president who has a measly 31 percent approval rating?  Is this the same president who guided the nation in the dark days after 9/11?  Is this the president that cut taxes to bring an economy out of recession?  Could this be the same guy who has been called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled brats safe from terrorist attacks?  Is he the same Commander-in-Chief of an all-volunteer army that is out there defending you and me?

Make no mistake about it.  The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve, and in many cases may have died for your freedom.  There is currently no draft in this country.  They didn’t have to go.  They are able to refuse to go and end up with either a ”general” discharge, an ”other than honorable” discharge or, worst case scenario, a ”dishonorable” discharge after a few days in the brig.

So why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 percent of Americans?  Say what you want but I blame it on the media.  Their philosophy is “If it bleeds it leads” and they specialize in bad news.  Everybody will watch a car crash with blood and guts.  How many will watch kids selling lemonade at the corner?  The media knows this and media outlets are for-profit corporations.  They offer what sells, and when criticized, try to defend their actions by “justifying” them in one way or another.  Just ask why they tried to allow a murderer like O.J.  Simpson to write a book and do a TV special about how he didn’t kill his wife, but if he did… It’s Just Insane!

Stop buying the negative venom you are fed everyday by the media.  Shut off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the New York Times for the bottom of your birdcage.  Then start being grateful for all we have as a country. There really is exponentially more good than bad.


By Craig Smith. He first published this article on Nov. 2oth, 2006.

Have a great weekend,


I (Richard) write and produce several eNewsletters. One I do for an automotive paint and supply distributor named Auto Color. I released the last issue of the newsletter for 2006 today – called SupplyLines (you can review all of the archived issues here … if you care to). I included in this last issue of 2006 a little piece I ran across from a website I follow by Richard Weylman. It’s about Christmas. It’s about all the politically correct crap we go through these days during the Christmas season. It is short and sweet and it just makes sense ….. and, it ain’t brain surgery. So, I decided to pass it along to our faithful and loyal readers. I hope you enjoy and will pass along the link to you friends. Thanks – Richard.

The other evening a dear friend (a former executive of a large multinational company) told me that my wife and I were courageous because we openly declare to others “Merry Christmas” and we celebrate the birth of Christ. I never before saw this as anything to do with being courageous. Since my earliest childhood memories, I have always known that Christmas is a birthday celebration. Compromising one’s principles or denying beliefs for the sake of being accepted or approved by others is situational ethics at its worst. Perhaps it is time people were willing to voice and discuss that which it is they believe. Why? History records what happens when people do not celebrate Christmas if they are of the Christian faith.

In 1647, when Oliver Cromwell came to power, celebrating Christmas and singing carols were stopped. Carols survived because they were sung in secret. Not until Queen Victoria’s reign was Christmas “politically correct” again.

In a free society, no matter what each of us believes, it should not take courage to speak up and, in the case of Christmas, celebrate this historic event. Thus, with all respect and deep appreciation for every single subscriber to this weekly tome, I do wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

~ Richard Weylman

Hey – from Richard and Terry … Have a very, merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. And remember …. Life Ain’t Brain Surgery.

Not being versed in the Arabic language I have no idea whether or not the Arabic phrase or word in the title actually means ghost or poltergeist but the word is the result of a search of translations on the Internet.

Seeing as how the Christmas season has been upon us for several weeks and will soon culminate with the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, I thought Charles Dickens would forgive me for taking off on his famous Christmas Story.  You remember the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the visits from the three shades, ghosts or spirits.  The final visit from the ghost of Christmas future presented Ebenezer with a frightening picture of death and the penalty we all pay for not living a good life.  Ebenezer was scared straight.

Christmas … let me see, where did we get that name?  Well goodness me, from the celebration surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ .  Now, we all know the celebration in December is based on the Roman celebration of Saturnalia and most likely Jesus was born sometime in March or April according to some Biblical Scholars.  My comment is WHO CARES??  There is enough fact to believe that a person named Jesus was born to a couple from Nazareth and this person performed several miracles according to eye witnesses.  The celebration has occurred for centuries and currently is responsible for most retailers being able to survive for the rest of the year.

My concern for Christmas future is a concern over the survival of Western civilization.  Islam is currently the fastest growing religion in the world and poses a serious threat to civilization as we know it.  I know several Moslems and yes, they are nice people, however their religion is one of control and dominance over all aspects of life.  Those who criticize some of the religious right in this country should investigate what will happen when Islamic fundamentalism becomes a factor in our political process.  Notice, I say when and not if.  The trends are already in motion for this to happen.  For instance the recently elected Moslem who has stated he will use the Koran to be sworn into office.  Also note the public prayer call over loudspeakers in Hamtramck, Michigan.

An Islamic theocracy might actually have some positive aspects because they would virtually shut down the porn industry and most of the garbage from Hollywood, a fact overlooked by some of the politically correct myrmidons. Positive aspects aside, our future is very questionable should we allow the trend to continue unchecked.  Supposedly, a majority of Americans believe in at least some of the religious aspects of Christmas.  Why should this majority be denied the privilege to celebrate a holiday in public schools, public buildings or even airports?  Why are my so called rights any less important than someone of the Moslem faith?  There are no prayer rooms for Christians or Jews in the airports yet we are told we should set aside rooms for daily prayers for Moslems.  Another example of letting the camel get his nose under the tent.  Once the nose is under the head will follow and so will the rest of the body.

We have proven we can all coexist in our society and we should continue to do so with respect for culture and tradition.  I cannot imagine moving to Israel or any mid-eastern country and expecting them to meet my demand that a nativity scene be included in their public displays.  I suspect I would be asked to leave the country or face dire consequences.  Perhaps we should adapt the same principles when dealing with visitors or immigrants to our country.  All are welcome and may celebrate their own traditions but remember I too am allowed to celebrate mine and the fact that there are public displays in no way is a threat to you or yours.  Get over it!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!!


Like most of us I have suffered through the typical lack of service at most Big Box stores.  Should we learn to accept this behavior as a result of the culture in today’s America or fight this attitude and try to be a change agent in a difficult and unruly world?

My crusade to change this behavior has met with dismal failure. Partially due to a lack of continual haranguing of management and partially due to the total ignorance of proper manners by some individuals employed at Big Box retailers.

Management is between a rock and a hard place because they need warm bodies in front of cash registers in order to take our money and then listen to us complain about the lack of service.  In some instances the manager has had very little if any training at customer relations and certainly little training in the art of managing uneducated employees.

Allow me to relate a quick example.  Last week I ventured into a local Wally World Mart for the purpose of purchasing two, that’s correct TWO IPOD’s.  My daughter and her husband both want one for Christmas.  The store I chose happened to be in a culturally deprived part of town but it was close to my workplace.  At the electronics counter I encountered three employees eating potato chips and drinking soft drinks.  They were pleasant enough but absolutely zero help.  Finally after a couple of minutes the older of the three asked if I needed help.  Why yes I replied I would like to purchase two IPODs.  She asked me to wait a minute while she paged another employee to help me.  Being in a jovial mood and with some time to kill I figured what the heck, I need an adventure and some laughs.  In about 10 minutes a young man approached and looked at me without saying a word.  He was about 6 feet 4 and 300 pounds and was unhappy he had to be disturbed.  He looked at potato chip lady and asked her something to which she responded with a point in my direction.  He mumbled something at me and I responded “IPOD” and off he went toward the IPOD display case.  I pointed to the style I wanted and he opened the case and immediately dropped one on the floor.  Not missing a beat he took two, (including the one he dropped) to the sales counter.  Here we were greeted by another employee wanting to buy a bag of chips with her employee card.  Naturally he took this employee in front of me and began trying to check her out.  Her card would not work and I was treated to another show of vast ineptness and lack of cultural skills.  At this point one of the original potato chip ladies looked at me and said you need to go to another Wally World Mart because we do not know what we are doing.  I took her advice only after telling Fat Albert that I had more shopping to do and would be back to get my IPOD’s later.  I got them at another store.

I might add that I attempted to see a manager at the store above and then I crossed town and ventured into another store and tried to find a manager with whom to offer some advice.  I failed in both instances because I was told all the managers were at lunch.  A wry plan by management I might add.  Always be busy when a customer wants to speak with you because you might have to make a decision.

Did I get angry and fume and fuss about the money I was spending in these stores just to be treated like a non customer?  No, I have learned to laugh and realize how sad our society has become.  Those working at big box retailers do not have any idea on how to get out of the cycle they are in.  They will continue to act the same way and demand more from Wally World and expect to work less.  I cannot be mad at the individuals because our government and society have created this attitude through dumb policies.   What I can do is refuse to spend money with organizations that do not appreciate my business and refuse to properly train employees.

Merry Christmas!!


Let me say up front … I am not against anyone coming to America legally and playing by the rules; which should include speaking English. I ran across the following AP story about some proposed changes to immigration law in Australia. To me, this is another clear sign that this immigration issue is not just about Americans becoming paranoid or something. People in civilized nations across the globe are giving this issue attention. And as far as I’m concerned, it’s about time. A civilized society does not operate well without rules and guidelines and laws. The people create laws for a reason. It ain’t brain surgery. And I suggest we Americans start enforcing our laws on the books.

Australian PM Announces Citizenship Test

SYDNEY, Australia —  Migrants who want to become Australian citizens will have to take English exams and prove their knowledge of local history and customs under new guidelines introduced Monday by Prime Minister John Howard.

Would-be citizens and permanent residents will also have to sign a statement saying they understand commonly held Australian values, such as respect for the law, religious and individual freedoms, and the equal rights of men and women.

Howard said the tests are not intended to exclude non-English-speaking migrants.

“It is not designed in any way to keep some people out … but it is designed to ensure that people understand and have a working capacity in the national language, which is English,” he told reporters.

Read the full AP story here.

Write letters to the editors of papers. Write your congress representatives (link at right). Let your opinions on this issue be heard. Don’t be the silent majority. Do something. It ain’t brain surgery to figure out things aren’t working at the moment.

Have an unbelievable day!
